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Preliminary agenda of “The 36th International Scientific & Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals” in Opatija

There is still a little time to secure the seat at the leading gas conference and exhibition in SE Europe, organized by the Croatian Gas Centre Ltd. and Croatian Gas Association (CGA), a member of the International Gas Union (IGU)! Take a look at the interesting sessions related to natural gas and its role in […]

von | 06.05.21


There is still a little time to secure the seat at the leading gas conference and exhibition in SE Europe, organized by the Croatian Gas Centre Ltd. and Croatian Gas Association (CGA), a member of the International Gas Union (IGU)! Take a look at the interesting sessions related to natural gas and its role in the energy transition, development of strategic gas infrastructure in Europe, LNG terminals and many others here.

Register your participation on time here.

This event represents a unique opportunity for all companies whose activity is related to the gas industry, to showcase their activities, products and technical solutions and thus create new business opportunities in a dynamic market with high growth potential. You can showcase your brand and expertise by booking a stand or even being a sponsor of this renowned international gas event.

The cutting edge preliminary agenda consists of more than 60 interesting presentations of scientific & professional papers, round tables, few panel discussions arranged in 10 thematic sessions and a poster session. Speakers include influential experts (academics, policymakers and business leaders) from prominent Croatian and European universities and gas and energy companies and associations.

Some of our distinguished speakers are:

  • Andrea Stegher, SVP of the Energy Transition Business Unit of the SNAM, future President of the IGU in the mandate from 2025 to 2028 and the current VP of IGU (from 2021 to 2025)
  • Ariel Cohen, PhD, Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council and Director of ITIC
  • James Watson, Eurogas
  • Berislav Pavlovic, PhD, Gradska plinara Zagreb Ltd.
  • Zvonimir Kastelanac, INA – Industrija nafta, d.d.
  • Aleksandar Karre, Plinacro Ltd.
  • Florian Güttl, Central European Gas Hub (CEGH)
  • Ljubisa Petkovic, Siemens Energy AG
  • Pál Ságvári, Hungarian Energy and Public Autility Regulatory Authority (MEKH)
  • Mario Opacak, Vaillant Ltd.

SECURE YOUR PARTICIPATION TODAY! For more information, feel free to contact the Organiser at

Accommodation for conference and expo participants can be booked via our partner: MOVEG Tourist agency; phone: +385 (0)51 624 535;


(Quelle: HSUP/2021)

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