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European Autumn Gas Conference 2015

This November (17th to 19th ) in Geneva, the European Autumn Gas Conference, will host what promises to be some of the most eagerly anticipated discussions on security of supply in any European energy conference this year, presenting an unprecedented breadth of perspectives from major European and non-EU energy players including the USA, Russia, Turkey and Iran.

von | 17.09.15


This November (17th to 19th ) in Geneva, the European Autumn Gas Conference, will host what promises to be some of the most eagerly anticipated discussions on security of supply in any European energy conference this year, presenting an unprecedented breadth of perspectives from major European and non-EU energy players including the USA, Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Joining the EAGC speaker faculty for November is Mr. Azizollah Ramazani, Chairman, National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC) who has confirmed his participation to discuss essential “shared challenges” and “new horizons” including the prospect of Iran becoming a major gas supplier to Europe. Amongst options on the table is the prospect of Floating LNG (FLNG) which has been discussed recently by NIGEC’s managing director, Alireza Kameli. In July, Mr. Kameli said negotiations are ongoing with the “world’s biggest company in FLNG shipping serving to transfer Iranian gas to Europe in seven to 12 months”. How will an influx of Iranian gas to Europe affect the status quo? What are the technical and regulatory challenges to restarting potentially massive Iranian gas production? And if gas exports to Europe are feasible, when will they happen?

For further information visit:

This November (17th to 19th ) in Geneva, the European Autumn Gas Conference, will host what promises to be some of the most eagerly anticipated discussions on security of supply in any European energy conference this year, presenting an unprecedented breadth of perspectives from major European and non-EU energy players including the USA, Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Joining the EAGC speaker faculty for November is Mr. Azizollah Ramazani, Chairman, National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC) who has confirmed his participation to discuss essential “shared challenges” and “new horizons” including the prospect of Iran becoming a major gas supplier to Europe. Amongst options on the table is the prospect of Floating LNG (FLNG) which has been discussed recently by NIGEC’s managing director, Alireza Kameli. In July, Mr. Kameli said negotiations are ongoing with the “world’s biggest company in FLNG shipping serving to transfer Iranian gas to Europe in seven to 12 months”. How will an influx of Iranian gas to Europe affect the status quo? What are the technical and regulatory challenges to restarting potentially massive Iranian gas production? And if gas exports to Europe are feasible, when will they happen?

For further information visit:

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