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37th International Scientific & Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals 2022

The 37th International Scientific and Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals will be held this year from 11th to 13th May at the Congress Centre of the Grand Hotel Adriatic in Opatija. The three-day international gas conference and exhibition in Opatija, organised by the Croatian Gas Association (CGA), a member of the International Gas Union (IGU), […]

von | 05.04.22


The 37th International Scientific and Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals will be held this year from 11th to 13th May at the Congress Centre of the Grand Hotel Adriatic in Opatija. The three-day international gas conference and exhibition in Opatija, organised by the Croatian Gas Association (CGA), a member of the International Gas Union (IGU), and the Croatian Gas Centre Ltd, is one of the largest of its kind in Southeast Europe.

During three days of the meeting, a few hundred recognised gas and energy professionals from more than 20 countries are expected to participate, along with about 50 reputable lecturers and 30 exhibitors. The interesting conference program will cover 10 current thematic units, a number of interactive panel discussions and a poster session on the most relevant themes in the gas business and the energy industry.

The organisers will endeavour to divide this year’s conference programme into strategic and technical sections. The first section will address strategic themes such as trends on the natural gas market, fluctuating gas prices and future expectations, the key role of the gas infrastructure in establishing decarbonisation and a reliable energy system, as well as consequences of the EU regulatory framework on accelerating decarbonisation for the gas sector. The second and third days of the conference will cover technical themes, new technologies and innovation in the gas sector in the era of decarbonisation, development potentials of LNG terminals, issues facing transport, distribution, storage and consumption of gas in terms of securing an efficient, secure and low-carbon system as well as numerous other themes.

Throughout the world, natural gas has an important and positive role on global energy markets and in energy transition; hence the goal of this conference is to understand and acknowledge the key role of natural gas as another reliable and clean pillar of energy transition, along with renewable sources. It is with great delight that we are announcing an invitational lecture by Andrea Stegher, SVP of the Energy Transition at SNAM, elected  President of the International Gas Union (IGU) from 2025 to 2028 and current VP of IGU who will speak about the trending record high gas prices in Europe and measures undertaken by EU Member States as well as forecasted trends on the global gas market in the coming period.

The 37th International Scientific and Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals will be held this year from 11th to 13th May at the Congress Centre of the Grand Hotel Adriatic in Opatija. The three-day international gas conference and exhibition in Opatija, organised by the Croatian Gas Association (CGA), a member of the International Gas Union (IGU), and the Croatian Gas Centre Ltd, is one of the largest of its kind in Southeast Europe.

During three days of the meeting, a few hundred recognised gas and energy professionals from more than 20 countries are expected to participate, along with about 50 reputable lecturers and 30 exhibitors. The interesting conference program will cover 10 current thematic units, a number of interactive panel discussions and a poster session on the most relevant themes in the gas business and the energy industry.

The organisers will endeavour to divide this year’s conference programme into strategic and technical sections. The first section will address strategic themes such as trends on the natural gas market, fluctuating gas prices and future expectations, the key role of the gas infrastructure in establishing decarbonisation and a reliable energy system, as well as consequences of the EU regulatory framework on accelerating decarbonisation for the gas sector. The second and third days of the conference will cover technical themes, new technologies and innovation in the gas sector in the era of decarbonisation, development potentials of LNG terminals, issues facing transport, distribution, storage and consumption of gas in terms of securing an efficient, secure and low-carbon system as well as numerous other themes.

Throughout the world, natural gas has an important and positive role on global energy markets and in energy transition; hence the goal of this conference is to understand and acknowledge the key role of natural gas as another reliable and clean pillar of energy transition, along with renewable sources. It is with great delight that we are announcing an invitational lecture by Andrea Stegher, SVP of the Energy Transition at SNAM, elected  President of the International Gas Union (IGU) from 2025 to 2028 and current VP of IGU who will speak about the trending record high gas prices in Europe and measures undertaken by EU Member States as well as forecasted trends on the global gas market in the coming period.

The Preliminary Programme Is Available On The Official Event Page.

Register Now Via The Online Registration Form.

(Quelle. HSUP/2022)

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